Friday, July 20, 2012

InfoPath Form Publishing Error

When you publish  InfoPath  form to the library, then there are chances that you get this error message

"An issue was found with the following variable 'Form.FormCode_variable'. Member variables are not supported. Use the FormState property to store data"

The main cause of this error is that somewhere in the code of form you have declared a variables and you are accessing that variables.

e.g. public string clientname="c1";

and you are using this "clientname" variable through out the form.

To avoid this use property like

public string clientname

and use the FormState property of  InfoPath  form to use this value through out the form.

FormState property is state management technique in InfoPath forms and can be accessed in the form.

Use FormState["client"]=clientname;

and to access this use string clientname=Convert.ToString(FormState["client"]);

With the help of FormState the form will be published without any errors.

Friday, July 13, 2012

SharePoint Rich Text Input Control

SharePoint 2010 has inbuilt text box control that can be used to create rich text strings including images, hyperlinks, can use your own html tags in this.

Let's see how to use this control

The control tag is defined below

 <SharePoint:InputFormTextBox ID="txtmsg" runat="server" Rows="10" TextMode="MultiLine"
                RichText="true" RichTextMode="FullHtml">

There are properties that turns this simple text box to rich text box control and those are "RichTextMode" and "RichText"

Set "RichText" property value to true to and "RichTextMode" to "FullHtml". You can set height and width of this control using the "Columns" and "Rows" properties respectively.

Known Issues

This control does not work with firefox and chrome browsers. Only works with IE.

Sometimes this control does not render properly and only html text is displayed, to overcome this issue use the below function on the html part of page where you are using this control.

This function converts the text area to rich text control using function"RTE_ConvertTextAreaToRichEdit"

that is defined in the "/_layouts/1033/form.js" file.

<script type="text/javascript">

function CreateRichEdit(id) {

if (browseris.ie5up && browseris.win32 && !IsAccessibilityFeatureEnabled()) {

g_aToolBarButtons = null;

g_fRTEFirstTimeGenerateCalled = true;

RTE_ConvertTextAreaToRichEdit(id, true, true, "", "1033", null, null, null, null, null, "Compatible", "\u002f", null, null, null, null);



else {

document.write("&nbsp;<br><SPAN class=ms-formdescription><a href='javascript:HelpWindowKey(\"nsrichtext\")'>Click for help about adding basic HTML formatting.</a></SPAN>&nbsp;<br>");



    var id = "<%= txtmsg.ClientID %>";

"here use your own rich text control id and call the function like below;
